| The University of Southampton is a research-intensive member of the prestigious Russell Group of UK Universities. It is a leading UK centre for eTextiles research, with a Smart Electronics and Materials Systems Group having over 40 years' experience of printed functional materials and electronic systems. Recent research in the SEMS team has focused on the application of screen, inkjet and dispenser printing to create e-textiles. Applications encompass designer fashion, medical devices, automotive sensors and displays, military fabrics and consumer products. Devices such as electroluminescent lamps, heaters, humidity sensors, capacitors, resistors, antennas, bio-potential electrodes and multi-layer printed circuit boards have been demonstrated. The University also host a thriving Organic Chemistry group with expertise in synthesis, catalysis and flow. The group has a strong collaborative culture and a reputation for efficiently constructing target molecules of relevance to medicine and industry. Specialisms include organofluorine, carbohydrate and ink chemistry; small molecule and natural products total synthesis; flow, photo-, thermo- and electrochemistry; reactor design; catalysis and organic electronic materials.
 | INSA Rouen Normandy is the largest regional public engineering school. It belongs to the INSA group (National Institute of Applied Sciences). It has eight research laboratories in perfect synergy with the training courses it offers. This dual skill allows it to provide an open-ended response to societal challenges and issues in different areas of expertise, including the "CHEMICALS - HEALTH - PROCESS ENGINEERING - INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGY" division, to which the team involved in the SmartT project belongs. This division has 90 years of experience in training engineers and research dedicated to organic synthesis, polymer materials and process engineering. Its mission is to design controlled and secure industrial systems that respect and protect the environment, develop drug molecules, develop more efficient polymers. It is therefore only natural that INSA is responsible for WP T3 on external relations and particularly with companies. INSA Rouen Normandie, through its laboratory PBS, has a long experience in the valorization of bio-sourced oils, e.g. linseed oil, which are widely produced across the whole FCE area) to prepare smart coatings. These bio-sourced coatings have self-healing capabilities, particularly under thermal stimulation, to effectively protect SmartT inks (WP T2).
INSA Rouen Normandy's participation in the SmartT project will strengthen the links already established with the project's academic partners and develop scientific activities between laboratories on both sides of the Channel, as well as new links in applied fields. This will also make it possible to validate the partner's know-how in textile and biomedical applications (protection of anti-bacterial bandage inks by self-healing coatings). |
 | Through research, studies and expert assessments performed on main current socio-economic questions (climate change, marine biodiversity, pollution prevention, sustainable fishery and aquaculture, etc.), IFREMER contributes through its work and expertise to increase knowledge about the oceans and their resources, the monitoring of marine and coastal zones and the sustainable development of maritime activities. To these ends, Ifremer designs and operates observational, experimental and monitoring tools and facilities. It is organized in 4 scientific departments, including Department of Research & Technological Development (RDT). In this unit, the Detection, Sensors and Metrology Laboratory (LDCM — Détection, Capteurs et Mesures) focusses its research on the development of new technologies for monitoring the quality of the marine environment and anti-fouling systems.
Our mission for SmartT is to test the efficiency of e-Textiles as anti-fouling material to protect sensors.
Our role is to characterize the e-Textile life cycle from creation to biodegradation and study its potential anti-biofilm activities.
 | The University of Rouen Normandy is one of the largest regional University covering many scientific fields. Notably, UoR seeks to develop innovative methods in organic synthesis and to apply them to various subfields of the discipline (bioorganic chemistry, pharmaceutical chemistry, eco-responsible chemistry, materials chemistry) by relying on a high-performance analysis research team. Our mission for SmartT is to bring its internationally recognized expertise in the computational studies of molecular architecture properties dedicated to SmartT inks. The University of Rouen Normandy also has a unique experience using high-pressure synthesis techniques, available only in Rouen. We will use green chemistry technology to accelerate slow reactions and transformations that cannot be achieved using other more traditional methods. UoR will also provide its expertise in the combination of synthesis and predictions through theoretical calculations. |
 | SplashMaps has a unique proposition; providing adventure-proof fabric mapping of anywhere on the planet. We have been selling fabric maps for 7 years and have a growing portfolio of formats that develop upon technical and ethical lines. We sell on 4 continents for walkers, runners and riders as well as specialist tailored products for retailers and consumers.
Our mission for SmartT is to achieve our vision with dynamic content displayed electronically on a fabric map while advancing and testing applications for adjacent and broader markets.
Our role within the project is to provide a focus for Smart Inks in compelling wayfinding and navigation applications. SplashMaps will introduce this concept to markets we already successfully serve and adjacent ones. We will pursue the necessary relationships and IP assets to launch products based upon the application of the technologies in these markets and other new markets |
 | The CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) is one of the largest research organisations in Europe. It is active in all fields of knowledge. As the leader of national interdisciplinary programmes and actions, it opens up new fields of scientific research and constantly tries to meet the needs of society and industry including molecular sciences.
A major challenge for modern chemical synthesis is to replace toxic metals in catalysts with small organic structures with low environmental impact. Thus, in SmartT, one of the role of the CNRS is to provide new inks by using their additional expertise in the field of organocatalysis. Moreover, the CNRS partner is also interested in microfluidic chemistry that allows to access to sophisticated structure in a “flash mode” (some milliseconds) and with high space-time yields. The CNRS will also contribute by bringing its communication expertise to the project.